A little announcement

Thursday 7 April 2022 at 18:00 CEST

A little announcement, in case you’re interested.

My partner and I have lived in Zürich for almost two and a half years now. I love it here, and I am very grateful and privileged that I got to ride out the worst part of this horrible pandemic in a country where people take masks seriously, the supermarket never ran out of basic food, and there’s so much to do outdoors. (Can’t catch a virus if the nearest person is on the next mountain.)

It’s been a rough couple of years, but we count our blessings. And the best one arrived around a month ago, in the form of our wonderful, incredible, perfect child.

I shall not reveal any details in this blog, because it goes on the Internet, and that seems like a silly place to put private information about someone else without their permission. If you know me, and want some information or pictures, please hit me up. You know how to find me.

I wrapped up working at Digital Asset a little while ago. (It’s a great place to work, and I definitely miss my colleagues, but I’m hoping I shall see them again soon.) I’m off for a few months now, and then I’m heading to work at Hasura.

Life is very different now. I knew that would happen going in. I just never imagined how much better it could possibly be.

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