A New Start

Monday 4 January 2016 at 15:00 GMT

Until a week ago, I was sunning myself in New Zealand, enjoying a December barbecue, wandering up and down volcanoes, and pretending I was a hobbit. It was a great way to forget about things for a while and reset. Now I'm back from holiday, caught up with sleep, 2016 is here, and January is traditionally the time to decide what to do with the rest of your life. So here I go.

I Will Blog Every (Week)day

Every single one. I will probably write articles in advance rather than trying to find an hour every day to blog, and they'll probably be short. The only thing I promise is that they will be interesting.1

I Will Stay Healthy

I pigged out a lot in New Zealand (and Australia, two weeks prior). Time to fix that. I'll post a bit more about my diet in the next few days.

I Will Release An Open-Source Project

Last year was supposed to be the year I worked on open-source software. I didn't have time; work took up all my brainpower, which was actually a good thing. I was learning so much I didn't have time to give back. This year, it's going to happen. I'm hoping to release (at least) one project of my own and contribute to several others.

I Will Work On Things I Love

From tomorrow, I'll be looking for part-time and full-time freelance work and short-term contracts, specialising in automation. That's what I love doing, after all, and it doesn't make sense to do another job when there's so many opportunities to automate everything.

There are more details on my company website, and I'll be blogging more about this tomorrow.

I Will Fall In Love With Something Totally Different

I have no idea what, but I'll be sure to shout about it when I find it.


  1. At least to me.

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