I shall finish more than I start

Saturday 24 December 2022 at 12:00 CET

Here’s an incomplete list of projects I’m working on right now in my “spare time”, in order from least abandoned to most.

  1. This very blog you’re reading
  2. Migrating everything off LastPass, because it seems it’s very overdue
  3. Setting up NixOS on a new hard drive (this time it will stick, goddamnit)
  4. Advent of Code 2022 (I’m about half-way through; turns out it’s a lot harder to keep up when you have a tiny child)
  5. Improvements to my personal Mastodon instance
  6. Migrating my email and calendar from Google to Fastmail, in my quest to de-Googlify myself
  7. Shipping regular expression support in Smoke
  8. A build system as a DSL embedded in Haskell, called The Bakery
  9. A Firefox extension which automatically deletes cookies over a certain age, called Memory Loss
  10. Merging my other personal website, which is hopelessly out of date and therefore does not deserve a link, into this one

That seems to be about, I don’t know, seven or eight too many.

So my new year’s resolution for 2023 is: I shall finish more than I start.

Here’s to a shorter list this time next year.

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