WebOps Workshop

Wednesday 11 October 2017 at 08:00 BST

Over this year, I've been delivering a talk/live presentation/workshop on "WebOps", or DevOps-style operations for the web.

Here's the premise:

At lightning speed, this workshop will cover the bits that aren't code that make up a working web app. These include servers, monitoring, deployment mechanisms, logging, alerting, secret management, recovery mechanisms… you get the idea.

Topics include:

The workshop is designed to run on Unix-like machine such as Linux or macOS. If you're running on Windows, we can make it work, but it won't be quite so true to real life.

If you want to try it out, or even run it yourself at work, please give it a shot (and let me know)! All the instructions are on GitHub. This is an open-source workshop. I hope you like the concept.

Check it out.

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